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Every fall Barrington 220 hosts a Safety Week where all schools participate in safety drills mandated by the State of Illinois, including fire, tornado, lockdown, and bus evacuation drills. Our 6th Annual Safety Week will be held September 9-13. During this week you will receive daily emails with videos that have important safety tips on the following topics:
- Welcome to Safety Week (See Something, Say Something!)
- Law Enforcement Drill (Run, Hide, Fight)
- Weather Emergencies & Water Safety
- School Evacuations
- Transportation (Railroad & Crosswalk Safety)
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Every fall Barrington 220 hosts a Safety Week where all schools participate in safety drills mandated by the State of Illinois, including fire, tornado, lockdown, and bus evacuation drills. Our 6th Annual Safety Week will be held September 9-13. During this week you will receive daily emails with videos that have important safety tips on the following topics:
- Welcome to Safety Week (See Something, Say Something!)
- Law Enforcement Drill (Run, Hide, Fight)
- Weather Emergencies & Water Safety
- School Evacuations
- Transportation (Railroad & Crosswalk Safety)
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Retake Day 10/22
Courtney Clarke 847-373-9361
Ben Pollard 847-609-1095